

澳门足彩app’s commitment to be a leader in environmental sustainability within the AEC industry goes back decades, 今天继续,未来只会扩展. 我们从三个方面看待我们在促进可持续发展方面的作用:

  • 以身作则 通过不断的评估和改进,使我们的运作更可持续
  • 以服务引领 by assisting our clients in achieving their sustainability goals through innovative solutions to their facility needs
  • 通过支持来领导 积极参与对创建更可持续的社区有影响的组织

在澳门足彩app, 我们创造重要的东西为一个更可持续的世界做出贡献是其中的重要组成部分.

“可持续性 brings a level of complexity to projects… you’re trying to do it with the least amount of impact on the environment as you build it and as it operates over its lifetime.”

- Frank Mangin,运营总裁,设计 & 咨询

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我们为您的设施提供全面的可持续性评估, 帮助您了解存在哪些改进机会以减少能源消耗, 用水和碳排放, 以及改善室内空气质量, 环境工作和基础设施. 这些评估是制定系统升级战略的催化剂, 更换, 装修, 可再生能源等等. 我们的团队将与您一起制定计划, 优先考虑, 并估算成本,在你的道路上更有成本意识, 环保和可持续发展的未来.

我们的专家团队提供现代化的, high-performance and full-range green infrastructure designs to solve urban flooding and mitigate impacts from climatic challenges and hazards. 我们的多学科专家提供混合解决方案, 从工程雨水控制设计到为蝴蝶创造野生动物栖息地! We are dedicated to innovative and customized nature-based solutions combined with gray infrastructure for sustainable and resilient communities, 生物多样性, 和生态系统. Our 集成 and visionary approach engages in long-term partnerships by harnessing local support and incorporating social values, 安全, 在我们的绿色基础设施设计中具有功能性和成本效益.

由于建筑环境占全球温室气体排放量的40%以上, 澳门足彩app takes its role in reducing both embodied carbon and operational carbon emissions as an important step to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. 我们采用最新的技术, 包括建筑信息模型(BIM), lifecycle assessments (LCA) and product information databases to design and construct facilities with low- or zero-carbon footprints.

效率对任何公司的成功都至关重要. 说到能源, 我们的建筑师和工程师, 通过一个整合的设计过程, 建造高能效的建筑, 减少你的水电费,同时提供健康舒适的室内环境. 通过选址的仔细考虑, 方位和体量, 使用早期阶段和详细的能源建模和生命周期成本分析, 以及信封和系统设计的最佳实践, 到采购, 由我们的施工团队进行安装和调试, we will provide you with state-of-the-art projects that meet your budget while lowering your energy costs and more positively affecting the environment.

化石燃料对全球变暖和气候变化的影响是巨大的. 我们有能力改变这一切. 我们拥有专业的工程和施工服务, 我们专注于用尖端的全电动解决方案改造空间. 从LED照明和空气源热泵到智能电网技术, 电动汽车充电等等, 我们将效率最大化, 降低成本并提供促进更可持续未来的建筑.

我们提供定制的技术工具和创新设计, 集成, 为所有用水部门提供可持续和弹性的解决方案. Our Sustainable Communities 水 Infrastructure Program is catalyzed by Programmatic 水 规划 to support each community’s unique needs and future growth. 我们的综合方法考虑了气候变化, drought contingency planning and conservation incentives and regulations to support seasonal and long-term water planning for system resilience.

的 Sustainable Facility 水 Infrastructure Program helps find customized approaches to achieve their water stewardship goals through system analysis and water audits, 回收利用废水, 废水管理, 设备计量, 泄漏检测和最佳设施规模. 我们的综合规划包括环境许可, 法规遵从性要求和最佳管理实践, 提供具成本效益的综合水务管理.

减少废物来源是可持续废物管理和环境保护工作的组成部分. 我们的团队将强调通过使用预先制造或预先设计的组件来减少来源, 材料效率, 流程优化, 产品再利用和回收材料. 另外, 我们的建筑团队会推行建筑废物管理计划,以减少堆填区的废物. 考虑在本地兴建建筑废物回收设施或其他废物转移的机会, 我们可以大大减少建筑废物对堆填区的影响.

澳门足彩app在将可再生能源战略纳入我们的项目方面有着悠久的历史, 包括安装光伏系统, 太阳能热, 小规模的风, 地热, 微电网等. 今天, 更甚于以往, 可再生能源对于实现《澳门足彩app》的目标和减少碳排放至关重要. Our teams will work with you to determine the optimal renewable energy sources for your project and provide designs that are cost-effective, 对环境友好,可以让你展示你对可持续发展的贡献.

澳门足彩app has designed and/or constructed over 125 sustainably certified projects and in excess of 150 more projects designed to meet a third-party certification standard. 您希望追求(或被要求追求)的任何建筑标准, our trained sustainability staff will work with you in an integrative approach to define the sustainability goals for your project and implement those goals through design and construction, providing you with a facility that successfully achieves the desired certification while meeting your needs and budget, 降低成本,提供健康环保的环境.

可持续性认证的例子包括USGBC的LEED, 遵守绿色建筑倡议的指导原则, 佛罗里达绿色建筑联盟, 和能源之星.



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澳门足彩app’s team of more than 100 Accredited Professionals and our sustainability-experienced design and construction personnel have a wealth of expertise to ensure that your sustainability goals are met and exceeded. 利用尖端技术, 工具和知识, our teams develop and implement efficient and cost-effective sustainable strategies to minimize a project’s environmental impact and meet your goals within budget.

哈斯克尔认为,公司必须向员工以外的人展示其对可持续发展的承诺. 澳门足彩app is an active member of the 美国 Green Building Council (USGBC) the Green Building Initiative (GBI) and an Envision Qualified Company. 另外, 澳门足彩app通过每年的绿苹果日服务项目来促进社区的可持续发展, 河流清理和类似的与可持续发展相关的志愿者项目.


委员会将可持续发展作为哈斯克尔的指导原则. 它由三个小组委员会组成 教育、参与和发展 – and ensures that the entire 澳门足彩app community incorporates and advocates 可持续性 in the way we conduct our business.

联合国的使命 教育 Subcommittee is to evaluate and provide materials for 澳门足彩app team members by maintaining a database of sustainable design ideas, 为其他可持续发展项目和功能提供工具和链接, 并提供可持续发展项目培训的链接. 

参与 Subcommittee creates awareness of sustainability issues and sustainable practices among 澳门足彩app team members through a combination of communication, 挑战和服务事件. It broadcasts sustainability best practices and initiates sustainable adjustments to operations within all offices and jobsite locations. 进化是理事会的智囊团, 探索环境意识如何不仅可以应用于专业人士,也可以应用于 个人.

进化 provides the setting where we discuss myriad topics of sustainability and environmental impact – in design and construction and beyond – and foster ideas and initiatives that can be tested or explored through Dysruptek, 教育或参与小组委员会.

  • Sujatha Das,风险运营总监 & 控制,项目运营支持
  • 玛莎Lluch,私人设施AE设计经理
  • 马克•施密特,规范撰写人,医疗保健设计
  • 彼得Skirbst,综合设计副总裁,私人设施AE
  • 雅各Thurlow,风险运营总监 & 控制,项目运营支持
  • 玛丽亚·何塞·托罗,发展专家,学习,发展 & 教育
  • 汤姆·沃纳,可持续发展经理,政府设计
  • 艾伦•威尔逊,副总裁,AE资源开发首席架构师

可持续性的新闻 & 的见解





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